Many people believe that switching energy provider is very difficult, stressful and time-consuming. Because of these factors, consumers end up paying too much for their gas and electricity. Another big belief is, consumers will be rewarded for the loyalty by sticking with the same energy broker/supplier for a long duration. One more factor is consumers are not aware of the hidden benefits of business energy brokers. When consumers combine all the major factors, they don’t turn up to switch energy brokers or suppliers.
Revealing big myths about switching energy provider: -
The common myth about switching energy broker is too much hassle. But the fact is price comparison becomes so easy on the same platform. The only thing you have to do is enter your postcode and a few details and relax. We will take care of the rest.
When you switch, only bills come from other supplier, not electricity and gas. You get the gas and electricity through the existing pipes and wires, so no disturbance to your supply when you switch and you won’t be cut off.
During the switching process, you would never be charged twice. When you want to save money by switching, the expectation would not be charged twice for your energy. However, you will not be double-charged for your energy at any point of time in your switch. The date is a day agreed between your previous and new broker/supplier, so both providers are well aware of the timings. Pay the final bill to the previous broker/supplier.
Every six months, the price cap level is set to be reviewed with suppliers’ variable prices. If you’ve never switched supplier, or you’ve switched in the past but let an old fixed deal expire without switching to a new one, you’ll be on your supplier’s standard variable rate tariff. And the price cap only impacts standard variable rates, which means it won’t be any use to you if you’re on a more costly fixed rate deal, which emphasises the point that the only way to make real savings on your energy bills is to compare tariffs and switch to a better contract.
Loyalty doesn’t pay at all. To attract new customers, energy companies use the cheapest rates, many people are stuck on costly standard variable tariffs and those on good deals now will join those who are overpaying if they don't switch when the special offers end.
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